Place-Based Policies: First-Mover Advantage and Persistence, with Teng Huang and Xiaochen Xie, Journal of Economic Geography, 2025.
Environmental Regulation, Local Labor Market, and Skill Heterogeneity, Regional Science and Urban Economics, July 2023 (101), 103898.
This paper examines the impact of environmental regulation on the local labor markets by exploiting China’s first air pollution regulation as a natural experiment. The identification strategy uses a novel instrumental variable based on engineering considerations related to coal-burning activities. The analysis shows that the pollution regulation has led to employment decline in the targeted prefectures and sectors, mainly through the channel of firm exits. Furthermore, detailed census data with worker characteristics are used to examine the skill heterogeneity and the regulation-induced spatial transition costs.Political Favoritism in China’s Capital Markets and Its Effect on City Sizes, with Vernon Henderson and Wei Cai, Journal of Urban Economics, March 2017 (98), 69-87.